written stuff

why knn doesn’t scale to large datasets

an in-depth exploration into the limitations of knn when applied to large datasets, a topic often overlooked in conventional machine learning discussions.

assorted neural style transfer

a spin-off of regular neural style transfer, where i tried to combine styles from three different inputs into one content image

creating gradients from numpy

wrote this tutorial during an internship cause couldn’t find any reliable source on creating gradient images from only python code

apparel recommendation system

built this primitive and simple recommendation system during a hackathon and was surprised to see that it works

flattening a 3d mesh to 2d using open3d

wrote this super-niche tutorial during the same internship cause again, couldn’t find anything on the topic

implementation and evaluation of SLAM systems

this is a research paper based on our btech final year project and i don’t remember most of it

...and many more in the pipeline


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